The Crowd

The crowd is always watching, judging. The crowd can be moved to support either GF or BF arguments through the effective use of RD, plus other abilities.

RNG (Random Elements)

The crowd will randomly start each match anywhere between the range of 0-10% irrational mob (favors BF) or 0-10% enlightened citizen (favors GF). The crowd can be pushed to a maximum of 30% towards either alignment.

RD Crowd Shift

All arguments have either a GF or BF alignment. Playing an RD on top of an argument will move the crowd 1% in the direction of the argument's alignment. This happens above and beyond any of that RD's stated abilities, but since its a round end ability, the crowd shift is reversible if the RD is destroyed.

Argument Crowd Shift

Typically, arguments without RD will not affect the crowd. However, there are some special arguments that can shift the crowd (Incite the Mob and Our Better Angels).

The Crowd's Effect on Arguments

If the crowd is leaning towards enlightened citizens, then all GF arguments will get a positive bonus % modifier to their strength, but all BF arguments will get a negative % modifier. If the crowd is leaning towards irrational mob, then all BF arguments will get a positive bonus % modifier to their strength, but all GF arguments will get a negative % modifier.


A crowd modification of up to .49 always rounds down to the closest whole number, while .5 and up will round up. The following table indicates the minimal crowd modifier required to change a card’s strength. Some cards can be affected up to a plus or minus three strength!

Crowd Modifier (Percent)Minimum Card StrengthCard Strength Modifier w/ Crowd (plus or minus strength)
  • 0-4%

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • 5%

  • 10

  • ± 1 (10 x 1.05)

  • 6%

  • 9

  • ± 1 (9 x 1.06)

  • 7%

  • 8

  • ± 1 (8 x 1.07)

  • 8%

  • 7

  • ± 1 (7 x 1.08)

  • 9%

  • 6

  • ± 1 (6 x 1.09)

  • 10%

  • 5

  • ± 1 (5 x 1.1)

  • 13%

  • 4

  • ± 1 (4 x 1.13)

  • 15%

  • 10

  • ± 2 (10 x 1.15)

  • 17%

  • 9

  • ± 2 (9 x 1.17)

  • 19%

  • 8

  • ± 2 (8 x 1.19)

  • 22%

  • 7

  • ± 2 (7 x 1.22)

  • 25%

  • 6 | 10

  • ± 2 (6 x 1.25) | ±3 (10 x 1.25)

  • 29%

  • 9

  • ± 3 (9 x 1.29)

  • 30%

  • 5

  • ± 2 (5 x 1.3)

Be careful, the crowd works both ways! The stronger your argument, the more the crowd affects it. For example, the Champion Moral Values (8/5) GF argument will become a (6/5) argument if the crowd is at least +19% BF.

Not interested in working the crowd? Consider putting crowd canceling cards into your deck, and use a POTUS that doesn't need crowd help!

Last updated